Our Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality

If this past year has been any indication, we spend a lot of time inside of our homes. But have you ever wondered about the quality of your indoor air? Indoor air contains a plethora of particles that can be bad for your health and your family’s health too. And during the summer it is even more important to pay attention to the air in your home during the summer because there are more dust particles and pollutants floating around.

mproving your Indoor Air Quality

When you think of air pollution typically what comes to mind are industrial smokestacks or extreme bumper-to-bumper traffic. You usually don’t think about pollution that is inside of your home or if the quality of your indoor air is safe for you and your loved ones. But the truth of the matter is that your home’s indoor air quality can be just as bad or even worse than the air outdoors. So how do you improve your home’s indoor air quality?

1. Don't Open Your Windows Too Often

The first thing you can do to improve your home’s indoor air quality is to not open your windows too often. With summer and spring’s heat, you may be tempted to open your windows to let in some fresh air, however, doing this will also let in pollutants from outside. You also become susceptible to high levels of pollen entering your home when you keep your windows open. Making sure you pay attention to the pollen levels of the day is another way to help improve the quality of the air around you.

indoor air quality

2. Use Your Cooking Vents

A large number of indoor air pollutants come from the kitchen. This is because gas stoves release harmful contaminants such as carbon oxide and nitrogen dioxide. If you have electric burners you are also susceptible to those pollutants, albeit at lower levels. In order to prevent these chemicals and other particles from absorbing into your bloodstream using your kitchen vents to help filter the air is important.

3. Pay Attention to Humidity Levels

indoor air quality

Another factor that impacts your home’s indoor air quality is humidity. Humid and moist conditions create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew and can have a huge impact on your respiratory system. Depending on where you live, humidity levels may increase greatly during the summer so taking precautions to reduce the amount of moisture in the air is essential. You can do this by placing a dehumidifier or two around your home. This will help to maintain a consistent humidity level while also working to improve your indoor air quality.

4. Keep Your Floors Clean

Not only can rugs and carpets help to increase the level of comfort in your home, but they also work as a sort of air filter as well. Your rugs and carpets can trap dust and other particles in their fibers so taking the time to clean them regularly will help to improve the air quality in your home.

5. Clean Your Air Ducts

While this seems like common sense, you would be surprised how many people neglect their air ducts. Your air ducts are responsible for distributing hot and cold air throughout your home and work to provide a comfortable climate in each room. However, if your ducts are not installed or maintained properly they can distribute various contaminants from one room to another. Eventually dust, dander, and even mold can begin to accumulate throughout the ducts impacting the overall quality of air. Our team at Express Tech Air can help ensure that you cuts are working properly and circulating fresh and clean air.

6. Have Potted Plants

Potted plants aren’t just there for good looks, but they are also natural air filters too! The presence of these plants helps to convert toxins in the air into oxygen that is beneficial to you. The best plants to have to draw out toxins from the air are small plants such as ferns and lilies and larger palm trees.

indoor air quality

7. Clean and Change Your Air Filters

Much like cleaning your air ducts, cleaning and changing your air filters may seem like common sense but these filters are oftentimes neglected. Your air conditioning system works to achieve the perfect temperature throughout your home. And, when it is cycling through that air it is also working to filter out common air pollutants which will then eventually build up on the air filters making them unable to do their job. This not only affects your home’s indoor air quality but can also wear down your AC system, leaving you in need of costly repairs down the road. Because of this, you will want to be sure to change your filters regularly. Our team at Express Tech Air offers routine AC maintenance where we inspect your system and clean or replace filters as needed.

8. Check the Filters on Your Appliances

indoor air quality

It is important to know that your AC’s filters aren’t the only filters working to keep the air inside of your home clean. If you are trying to improve your home’s air quality you will also want to check the filters of your other household appliances too. Being sure to inspect and clean your vacuum cleaner, dryer, and kitchen vents will help you greatly in ensuring your home’s air is safe to breathe.

Let us Help with Your Home's Indoor Air Quality

When it comes to keeping your family safe you don’t ever want to take any risks, and not paying attention to the indoor air quality of your home is in fact, pretty risky. At Express Tech Air the health and wellbeing of you and your family is extremely important to us. This is why we offer a wide range of services to improve your home’s indoor air quality, so you can breathe easy knowing you are taken care of. Contact us today for more information about how our team can help improve your home’s air quality!

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